Miks paljud tervislikult toitujad kaalust alla ei võta?

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.

Toitud tervislikult, kuid kaal ega välimus ei parane? Ilmselt teed sinagi sama vea, mis paljud teisedki.

Paljud usuvad, et toitudes tervislikult, võib unustada soovituslikud kogused. Fitnessblogija Amanda Meixner näitab oma sotsiaalmeedias, kui erineva kalorsusega võivad olla pealtnäha sarnased söögikorrad.


What do you think the differences are? ? First off, let me just say this combo is ridiculously good ? Second off, below is a breakdown of each side & some tips to save calories: . Lower cal treat: 1 cup 2% Greek yogurt 1 tsp honey 20g 85% dark chocolate 1 cup blueberries 1/2 cup strawberries 1/2 tbsp cashew butter . Higher cal treat: 1 cup 2% Greek yogurt 1 tbsp honey 60g 85% dark chocolate 1/2 cup blueberries 1/4 cup strawberries 2 1/2 tbsp cashew butter . Tips to save calories: 1 - Balance healthy fats with low calorie fruits. Add more fruit instead of overdoing the chocolate which saves a lot of calories. 2 - Watch the nut butter portions! 1/2 tbsp is much different in calories than 2 1/2 tbsp. 3 - Watch the honey! While it makes a great natural sweetener, the sugar calories add on quick. . Inspo cred: @movingdietitian ❤️ . . #healthyeating #cleaneating #fitfood #mealprep #dessert #healthyfood #foodprep #chocolate #nutrition #protein #mealplan #yogurt #icecream #weightloss #cleaneats #dessertporn #healthylife #healthylifestyle #mealprepsunday #healthychoices #mealprepping #macros #sweets #mealprepmonday #baking #sweettooth #desserts #flexibledieting #healthyliving #iifym

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on

Mõlemad kausid sisaldavad samu koostisosasid. Ühes kausis on rohkem 40 grammi rohkem šokolaadi ning kaks lusikat rohkem kašupähklivõid. Kalorsus erineb pea kaks korda.


Spot the difference ? Kind of crazy how small changes can really add up! ? Whether you want to add more calories or eat less, here is an example & some of my tips: . Lower cal meal: 2 eggs + 2 egg whites scrambled 1 piece Ezekiel toast 1/2 an avocado 1 honey crisp apple . Higher cal meal: 4 eggs + 2 egg whites scrambled 1 piece Ezekiel toast 1 whole avocado 1 honey crisp apple 2 tbsp peanut butter . Tips to save calories: Swap out some eggs for egg whites (egg whites are only 17 calories per one) Don’t pack on too much fat (1/2 or 1/4 an avocado is plenty for this meal!) Even though there’s no coffee displayed, watch out for the extra oils or creamer which can add calories too. . Inspired by @movingdietitian . . #healthyfood #breakfast #cleaneating #brunch #lunch #morning #fitfood #dinner #yum #foodpic #eat #tasty #eggs #朝ごはん #weightloss #foodpics #healthychoices #foodgasm #healthybreakfast #nutrition #fresh #eating #healthylifestyle #delish #hungry #healthyeating #fruit #foodblogger #exercise #foodphotography

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on

Kas märkad vahet? Ühel pildil on söögi tegemisel kasutatud kaks muna ja pool avokaadot rohkem ning lisatud kaks lusikatäit pähklivõid. Vahe söögikordadel on taas kahekordne.


Can you spot the difference? Here’s a great example of how you can customize your meal to meet your caloric goals ? . 2 Things to think about when determining your meal calories (or portion size) 1 - How many meals am I eating today? 2 - What is my calorie total for the day? That should determine around what amount of calories you eat in one meal. . Tips for lowering calories: ⁃Sub in more veggies instead of carbs! I.e. lower calorie salad has triple the tomatoes and double the bell peppers but half the beans. ? - Watch the healthy fats. The right amount of healthy fats are key but the calories add up quick. Higher calorie salad has triple the hummus, additional 1 tbsp olive oil & additional 1/4 avocado. - Find an appropriate amount of protein. 3/4 a cup is equal to about 4oz. . Lower calorie salad: 3 cups spinach 4oz chicken 1 1/2 cups tomatoes 1/2 cup black beans 1 yellow bell pepper 1 tbsp hummus 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 2 mini bell peppers . Higher calorie salad: 3 cups spinach 6oz chicken 1/2 cups tomatoes 1 cup black beans 1/2 yellow bell pepper 3 tbsp hummus 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 mini bell peppers . --- Inspired by the talented @movingdietitian . --- #mealprepmonday #mealdiary #fooddiary #mealprep #mealprepideas #cleaneating #fitnessmeals #food #foodporn #healthyfood #gymfood #fastfood #fitfoodporn #cleaneats #macros #cleaneating #foodprep #foodforfuel #mealpreponfleek #fitfoodporn #foodfacts #caloriecounting

A post shared by Amanda Meixner (@meowmeix) on

Selles näites on teisel taldrikul lisatud rohkem hummust, oliiviõli ning rohkem avokaadot. Kuigi avokaadot teatakse kui tervisest pakatavat toiduainet, võib sellega liialdamine anda tunda ka kaalule astudes.

Allikas: Women's Health

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