Vau! See naine loob juustest sotsiaalkriitilist kunsti

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
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Aafrikast pärit Laetitia Ky on kogunud populaarsust enda imepäraste soengutega. Need pole niisama soengud, ta loob juustega kunsti. Mitmed tema teosed räägivad sotsiaalsetest probleemidest nagu lähisuhte vägivald ja rassism.


Smile is good good you Link in bio to see all the serie #hairart #smile #africa #BD

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#metoo Thousands of women are raped every day in the world, but very few are able to talk about it, to complain or fight. Why? Because our "beautiful" society has the tendency to blame the victim almost every time. "" Oh but you should not have to gone out so late !!! "" "" "Ah, but you had a mini skirt" "," "why are you complaining if you agreed to have dinner with him?" "," "dont tell me that you were not trying to seduce him with all that makeup" "... Ladies ... NOTHING JUSTIFIES RAPE, SEXUAL ASSAULT OR HARASSMENT. Neither your clothing, your make-up, your relationship with the abuser (because even your husband doesnt have the right to force you to have sex if you dont want to, the concept of marital rape exists). There is no enabling circumstance for the abuser and you need to talk about it so that thing starts to change. Don't remain silent, dont let anyone tell you that you have some responsibility in this despicable act !!!! Speak out because you dont have to carry this burden alone, talk to help other women who are afraid, talk to start a revolution, talk to change things. You are not alone. Dont be discouraged even if your direct surrounding makes you feel guilty ... the weight can be difficult to sustain and the battle can be hard but it is worth it !!!!!! It's never too late to speak out. Even if the assault took place 20 years ago, a crime remains a crime so dare to speak out .... dont let anything pass... so those men learn to honor and respect women . Because yes, it is not for you to interfere with your liberty so that they are not tempted but for them to know how to control themself. I repeat it once more, dare to talk about it, dare to SNITCH ON YOUR PIGS... talk to the people around you so they can bring you all the support that the victims desperately need to start the process of healing... My DM is open to anyone who wants to talk. You are not alone.

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