Kuue väikelapse ema jagab nippe: kuidas jõuda hommikul õigel ajal kodust välja

Angela Blumkvist
Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.

Lastega kodust väljumine hommikuti võib olla õudusunenägu. 27-aastane Krechelle Carter, kes on emaks kuuele väikelapsele, jagab nippe, kuidas hommikud valutumateks muuta.

Carteril on kuus last, kes kõik alla kuue eluaasta. Tundub ulmeline? Elu on teda õpetanud ning nüüd õpetab ta teisi emasid, kuidas enda hommikud vähem kaootilised hoida.

«Ei» peenetele kotikestele

Tundub glamuurne- minna välja kotiga, mis Instagrami väärilise välimuse ja sisuga. Hoia selle pealt kokku oma aega ja närve ning viska kotti kõik vajalik, et välja minna.

Riided eelmisel õhtul valmis

Otsusta eelmisel õhtul ning pane riided valmis. Kui oled oma otsuse riiete valikul teinud, ära lase end kõigutada laste jonnihoogudel või sellest, kui midagi riiete peale aetakse. Selle jaoks on salvrätikud.

Kiire hommikusöök

Carteri peres söömisele aega ei raisata. Lapsed söövad ilma särkideta, sest muidu peaksid vanemad uuesti riideid hakkama otsima. Söögivalikud ei kuulu vaidlemisele. Kõik söövad sama toitu. Kõik käib kiirelt, ära jäta lapsi niisama unistama.

Kingad ukse juurde

Igale elanikule on ukse juures üks paar jalanõusid. Ei ole aega valida või otsustada. Võetakse see, mis valmis on pandud.

Lõunad valmis eelmisel õhtul

Juhul, kui paned lapsele järgmisel päeval toitu kaasa, pane see eelmisel päeva juba karpi valmis.

Õhtune pesu

Hommikul pole kellelgi aega hakata lapsi pesema. Õhtune vann/dušš on traditsioon, hommikul pestakse vaid vajalik.

Lapsed ükshaaval autosse

Kui sul on rohkem kui kaks last, on hea mõte lapsed eraldi autosse viia. Kõik koos minnes jooksevad nad laiali, hakkavad tülitsema või muud sarnast. Hoia asjad organiseeritud, iga laps eraldi autosse valmis.

Ema sättimisaeg on autos

Emad õpivad end kiirelt sättima. Hea aeg selleks on autos (kui sinu mees on roolis). Hoia autos oma huulepulk, kuivshampoon, ripsmetušš ja sinu hommik ongi päästetud.

Naudi aega, mil ülesanne sooritatud. Premeeri ennast!

Kui viid lapsed ära, pane raadio kõvemaks, võta üks hea kohv ja patsuta end seljale. Sa oled selle ära teeninud.


9 ways I get out of the house on time with six kids under six. Or at least make it to places fifteen minutes late which is one hell of an achievement. No fancy nappy bag Throw everything that is vital into a WOOLWORTHS shopping bag; nappies, water, wipes, Valium and LOVE - all these things run out pretty quickly so be sure to pack enough in your bag. Outfits; ready the night before Cut the crap, you've already committed to that, the children don't change it ; you don't Change it; it is what it is. Never do anything twice. If you have a little spill; that's what wipes are for. A blow out at the shops; Kmart sells $3 onesies. You'll be right mate; calm down. Breakfast; quickly With no tops on, tops get dirty. Everyone eats the same thing. Choices are not an option. Sorry. Go go go. Bowls in sinks, brush your teeth, put tops back on; no I didn't say play fight, okay that's it: you two go to the shoe area and put your allotted shoes on: it's go time. Shoes by the door. Say it with me now; "Shoes by the door". We have a shoe rack, if I go to that shoe rack (by my door) right now there are eight pairs of shoes, one for each of us , ready to go- do not remove these shoes, do shoe checks ; say shoe again: shoe. Lunches ready the night before If I have to tell you this I feel like I can't help you, you are unhelpable. I'm actually at a loss.. you don't have lunch ready? I just, I just can't help you. Showers the night before! Ain't nobody got time for dat in the morning. If you do, can you message me because your way braver than I am and I think that you could throw down harder than me as a Mum- #youwin I feel damp. Put kids in car separately. You can take them all at once if your bat shit crazy and want children running in different directions and climbing on seats and hitting each other; that's your choice. I take One at a time, walk, sit, buckle repeat. Cool calm and collected. Until someone needs to pee when we're about to turn on the engine. More on blog or Facebook! Happy Thursday lovely people Krechelle Xx

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This pretty much sums up our lives. Eight people living under one roof. Nobody looking in the same direction. Differences of opinions everywhere. There is always one who is exhausted, always! Notice the tiny one in dads arms; Bailey has almost drifted off but don't let that fool you, she's got fight left in her! Just try to put her too bed ; I dare ya. One fairly complacent one; note mr. number two in dads arms, Noah. He may seem happy. You never know when he'll become a passionate tyrant; insistent that we do what he wants or else. But mostly he's full of smiles......mostly. Thinking of her next move, planning what she can get away with. That's Paige, twin one; on my lap. Let's be honest she has no interest being there. We're in a Forrest for petes sake! Let me frolic Mum. Enough of this photo bullshit. Emmy.... our tiny babes. At this point she just wanted some boob. She was ready to call it a day. Listening to Sylus tell all of his tales. She had no interest in trees. It was bed time you see and we'll; boob! Olivia. Funnily enough, staring at herself; something new and different for Olivia. She's very independent and self confident. At one point she stripped of completely naked and ran off into the trees. True story. Sylus. The big one on the end. Trying to get my attention. He may have wanted to tell me I look beautiful, he mostly likely wanted to tell me he thought we could have done a better job with clothing choices ? He literally will say anything that pops into his brain. The good, the bad, the ugly. It's so scary. Notice how I look at Dave. That's also very real. The love I have for that man. The job that he does taking care of us all. Eight different personalities. I say that's a whole lot of colour. A whole lotta passion. A shit ton of fun. And they said to stop at two. Well each to their own. But god I'm glad I didn't listen. Krechelle Xx

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