Fotod: alasti joogataja Instagramis pahandab inimesi

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.

Jooga pole enam mingi uudis. Aga alasti? Avalikult internetis? Paljudele on see igasugune piiride ületamine.

21-aastane Kirsty Tavolacci on kõnetanud praeguseks üle 30 tuhande inimese. Noor naine ei karda enda paljastamist, tema jaoks on alasti pildid keha positiivne kuvand, mitte seksuaalne. Kirsty on öelnud, et tunnetab alasti piltides vabadust, kirjutab DailyMail. Sellele vaatamata ei jaga kõik inimesed tema seisukohta öeldes, et taolised pildid on paljastavad ja ebasobilikud.


About to go hike around and explore some more today with these beautiful babes & @justinyogastanley . ☀️

A post shared by Kirsty | @HIITtoINVERT (@tiny.kirsty) on


"Are we born for something bigger than a simple life on tracks? Station to station, just pressing time to the finish line Are we fooling our imaginations? Like ships on the shore or planes on the floor Or trains on the highway You're a colorful soul in a technicolor world While you're living it black and white . Where we are is not all we are It's the path we've run so far Have you ever felt so alive? You feel the blood in your veins like ice Melting down your spine Oh, have you fallen in love? Felt that shiver, that shift in your soul Crashing down like a wave On the seaside, on the seaside" - All We Are by Andy Kong . . . Enjoying my last afternoon in Coronado on the beach then saying goodbye to @stringbeanyoga At 3 I'm taking a train up to LA to see my "gram" bestie I've never met, @lexcreid in just a few short hours! Going to a HIIT vinyasa class later tonight in Venice & def. gonna be cuddling her kitty see you soon babe! . . #pincha #pinchamayurasana #HIITtoINVERT #backbend #yoga

A post shared by Kirsty | @HIITtoINVERT (@tiny.kirsty) on



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