Julge nimekiri fototöötlusest: tõde «instabeibedest»

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.

27-aastane Karina Irby, kellel on Instagramis 650 000 jälgijat, postitas enda kontole «enne ja pärast» pildi. Tema sõnul võetakse internetikuulsusi liiga suureks eeskujuks.

Tuhanded noored neiud võtavad Instagrami staare endale eeskujuks. «Kommentaare läbi kerides on seal tüdrukud üksteist ära märkinud ja kirjutanud juurde «OMG, miks ma selline ei ole».» Selle peale postitas Karina endast pildi ning pani juurde loetelu, mis kõik selle pildi juures töödeldud on. Sinna kuulusid nii kõhu salendamine, tagumiku suurendamine ja tõstmine, rindade kuju muutmine, naha silumine, tselluliidi ja armide kaotamine, kaela salendamine ja nii edasi.

«Ma lihtsalt soovin, et sa end armastaks ega võrdleks ennast ebarealistlike piltidega,» kirjutab naine.


LETS PLAY A GAME? It's called REALITY VS INSTAGRAM Every morning I wake up and scroll though my personal Instagram feed and spy "Insta Girls" posting unrealistic images of themselves. The girls I follow that portray these images have big followings, often with hundreds of thousands of young girls looking up to them as a role models. As I scroll though the comments I find young girls tagging their friends "GOALS" and "OMG WHY DONT I LOOK LIKE THIS" The truth is these girls don't looks like this. They look like you, like everyone. I have gone ahead and copied the classic "Insta Girl Edit" in my second image and listed below is what I have done to it Full body skin smooth Enlarged my booty Sucked in my tummy Sucked in my back Thinned out my arms Thinned out my quads Made my neck a tad skinnier Got ride of my scars and cellulite Made my breast rounder Lifted my booty After all these little tweaks, can you notice how my horizon is warped? So many girls are so into how their Insta image is going to be portrayed that they don't even notice they have warped the background!? ‍♀️ Ladies, I'm not here to play mean girl towards others. I simply want to #inspire you to love yourself and stop comparing yourselves to unrealistic images online. Look out for the signs of the "Insta Girl Edit" and don't take social media too seriously. Let's get real❤️

A post shared by KARINA IRBY (@karinairby) on

Allikas: DailyMail



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